✔️ 28-02-1994
Memorandum seeking permission to form a Church Society was filed through the General Body of St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Ghaziabad, to the Delhi Diocesan Metropolitan, by one of the prayer group members of the Church, St. John’s Prayer Group, residing in Dilshad Garden and surrounding areas.
✔️ 1994
Late H. G. Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios, the First Metropolitan of Delhi Diocese, was kind enough in according the valued consent to form the applied church society and engaged Rev. Fr. C. M. Kuriakose, the then Vicar of St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Ghaziabad, to get the dream of the devotees fulfilled. ...
✔️ 03-07-1994
Rev. Fr. C. M. Kuriakose in the benign presence of then H. B. Thomas Mar Thimotios, Late H. H. Moran Mar Baselios MarthomaDidymos I celebrated the very first Holy Qurbana at O&P Shopping Complex, Dilshad Garden, in continuation to the decision derived on 7.5.1994
✔️ 11-07-1195
With the unblemished and able guidance of the Second Metropolitan of Delhi Diocese, late H. G. Job Mar Philoxenos, St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church Society was registered vide Regn.No.S-28918 at N-14-C-1 Dilshad Garden, the dwelling unit of own member Mr. P. Thomas which remained till 21.09.2004
✔️ 06-01-1996
The first Parish Feast was celebrated at O&P Shopping Complex, Dilshad Garden and the Chief Celebrant was the late H. G. Job Mar Philoxenos, the second Metropolitan in succession.
✔️ 25-03-1996
Vide Kalpana No. 12/96 a congregation was declared and named as St. Stephen’s Orthodox Congregation by the then Metropolitan H. G. Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios, the First Metropolitan of Delhi Diocese. Rev. Fr. Presquillas Peter was assigned with the charge to look after the newly formed congregation.
✔️ 21-07-1996
Then Metropolitan, Late H. G. Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios, through Kalpana No. 16/1996 declared and dedicated the congregation as a Parish in the name of St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church, the Chief of Deacons and the First Martyr in the name of Christianity, one and only in Delhi Diocese and a rare in Indian Orthodox Church as a whole. This declaration happens to be the last pronouncement of H. G. Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios, on Parish dedications, prior to his demise on 20-11-1996.
✔️ 21-07-1996
Rev. Fr. Ham Joseph took charge as the First Vicar of St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church, Dilshad Garden, Delhi.
✔️ July 1996
Acquired a DDA Built Flat at P-1-A-3 Dilshad Garden and started functioning there till 04-01-2004
✔️ 06-01-1996
Prior to the procurement of the said flat, conducted Holy Qurbana at MIG Flat No. 353-D, Pocket J&K, Dilshad Garden, a dwelling unit of one of then Member Mr. T. Joy.
✔️ 18-01-2001
DDA allotted a plot at PSP Area, Adjoining Service Centre 5, Opp DDA Sports Complex, Dilshad Garden, Delhi – 110093 on the application filed with them on 18-03-1996
✔️ 19-08-2001
Foundation Stone laying ceremony of the Church building was celebrated by the 2nd Metropolitan, late H. G. Job Mar Philoxenos.
✔️ 11-01-2004
With the due consent and concurrence of the H G Job Mar Philoxenos, started offering Holy Qurbana at the present premises.
✔️ 19-02-2006
Late H. G. Job Mar Philoxenos, second Metropolitan of Delhi Diocese, consecrated and dedicated the Church to the Malankara Orthodox Church.
✔️ 12-10-2008
Foundation Stone of the Shrine (Kalkurish), dedicated to St. Mary St. Thomas, St. George and Mar Gregorios, was laid by late H. G. Job Mar Philoxenos, then Metropolitan of Delhi Diocese.
✔️ 2007-2008
In 2008 started a Pre-School under the name and style of St. Stephen’s Pre School with the long term vision of then Vicar, Rev. Fr. Saji Abraham.
✔️ 21-01-2010
Procured an MIG Flat at 108-C, Pocket A, Dilshad Garden, Delhi for the comfortable parsonage purposes.

മലങ്കര ഓർത്തഡോക്സ് സഭ കണ്ടനാട് ഭദ്രാസനത്തിന്റെ മെത്രാപ്പോലീത്ത അഭിവന്ദ്യ ഡോ. തോമസ് മാർ അത്തനേഷ്യസ് തിരുമേനിക്കും,ഡൽഹി ഭദ്രാസന മെത്രാപ്പോലീത്ത അഭിവന്ദ്യ ഡോ. യൂഹാനോ൯ മാ൪ ദിമെത്രിയോസ് മെത്രാപ്പോലിത്തായോടൊപ്പവും ഡൽഹി ഭദ്രാസനത്തിലെ വന്ദ്യ വൈദിക ശ്രേഷ്ഠ ആചാര്യന്മാർ അണിചേർന്നു നിൽക്കുന്ന ധന്യ മുഹൂർത്തത്തിൽ.
- ststephenschurch
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- on Mar 24, 2025
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